Friday, February 25, 2011


Back around the year 1800, there was little question in Christians' minds that God had created the world 6000 years ago, complete with sun, moon, stars, and every species of plant and animal. By the year 1900, the spectacular growth of European science, including Darwin's theory of evolution, had seriously challenged this picture. The literal truth of the Bible has been in serious doubt ever since.

Additionally, Christians have come in contact with other religions from around the world, each unique and seemingly irreconcilable. This has led them to doubt whether there really are any steadfast spiritual truths, or whether the truth is simply whatever you want it to be.

Finally, a growing number of people are starting to recognize that our civilization is on the verge of collapse. It is quickly becoming apparent that billions could die. If we are not prepared when this occurs, it could easily deal a final blow to our faith in a divine nature.

Such doubts led me to embrace atheism myself over a period of about 8 years, followed by another 6 years of wavering agnosticism. Finally, in 2008 and 2009, months of contemplation led me to a series of realizations concerning the nature of human evolution (see

The purpose of this book is to explain these realizations, which I believe can reconcile spirituality, science, and the reality of suffering. In particular, these are my goals:

1) To tell the story of the evolution of life and human civilization over the last 4.5 billion years. Instead of focusing on facts, I will focus on the meaning and significance of this history. (Part I)
2) To explain how the most sacred doctrines of the world's religions agree with each other, with physics, and with Darwin's theory of evolution. (Part II)
3) To explain the significance of the principles of evolution and ecology for how we might transform our lives as modern civilization plunges toward environmental catastrophe and economic collapse. (Parts III & IV)

(This book is a work in progress. I will be posting each section as a write it. Feel free to share any criticisms, comments, requests, or thoughts at any time.)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds ambitious... and incredibly fascinating. Good luck!
